Sherwood Greens Road Improvement and Maintenance District
Prudential Committee Minutes for April 14, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 AM by Joe Gaze.
Present were John Kammerman, Jeff Kotkin, Terry Hayden, David Neelon, Betsy Epstein, Stan Locke, Richard Pryor, Jaime Garanzuay, Shawna Garanzuay and little Sophia and guest speaker Marc LeVasseur.
Marc LeVasseur of Foresight Land Services was taken around Sherwood Greens by Richard Pryor to check out the culverts. He gave a presentation on the conditions of the culverts and prioritized the work needed on the 55 + culverts. He also talked about the need for bi-annual maintenance. We were left with a paper report including pictures and a full explanation. Foresight can help us get grant money for some of the work.
The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and accepted.
Richard did the Treasurer’s Report. After what we need to spend on the loan, the property at the entrance to the Greens and the warrant this month, we will be left with $3000 in the coffer. FEMA will be giving us $29,000 towards some of the culvert and road work.
The warrant for $6551.21 was approved and signed. The Treasurer’s report was approved.
Jaime reviewed the Road Report. The police were called once in Feb and once again in March for suspicious vehicles. The police arrived in The Greens to check things out but did not report any findings. April 6, 9 and 12 there was a tree company cutting trees near power lines. They also replaced a power pole that was struck by lightning.
The Lakes report was given by Jeff. Aquatic Control is going to apply to Conservation for a one time chemical application of the lakes. The diver can start diving to pull weeds but we currently have no funds available. Total Diver costs were $5000 out of a Lake Budget of $15000 approximately last year.
The next meeting is May 12, 2012 and the annual meeting is June 2.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:22 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Theresa Hayden